Hi! Thanks for your interest in our philanthropy projects. My husband, Matt, and I feel strongly about paying forward the same opportunity for independence, creativity, and self-reliance that this site has afforded us. We have been keeping a long list of charitable organizations, such as Heifer International (heifer.org), Habitat for Humanity (habitat.org), and Kiva (kiva.org) which work to help people enrich their lives through their own ingenuity and hard work. The wonderful thing about these groups, and so many others, is that they are represented by our extended circle of friends that work with them already.

So, we’ve decided to put 10% of all the funds gifted through our Donations for Downloads toward philanthropy projects that either we’ve identified or our friends are part of. What a great thing to be able to contribute to the people we love, the causes they support, and to communities around the world! For every $1,000 in donations we are given, we’ll put $100 toward projects of this nature.

If you have a project you are a part of that you would like for us to contribute to, let us know! We’ll announce the designated group we’re raising money for on this page. Once your group is up, we’ll let you know, and you can encourage your friends and family to donate for downloads! It’s a win/win/win situation. You get to do good for your worthy organization which will then see an unsolicited donation, your friends get some interesting new music in exchange for their contribution, and everyone in this chain is supporting the arts!

The first organization we are excited to donate to is Kiva. Once the funds are collected and donated, we’ll post a link here telling you about the specific recipient(s) of the gift.

Thank you for your thoughtful engagement in this venture and for sharing it with your circle of friends and family.
- Stefanie and Matt Small

What Is Kiva?

Kiva is the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend directly to unique entrepreneurs in the developing world. Kiva's mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty.

In addition to the groups mentioned above and many others, we plan on donating to these groups in the near future:
Doctors Without Borders
First Book
Nothing But Nets
Dress for Success
Modest Needs